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- 10 rem csd usa patch by tim vlk for loadstar
- 40 poke 808,239
- 50 print chr$(14):print chr$(8)
- 100 dv=peek(186):if dv<8 then dv=8
- 110 a$=chr$(66)+chr$(101)+chr$(110)+chr$(106)+chr$(97)+chr$(109)+chr$(105)
- 111 a$=a$+chr$(110)+chr$(32)+chr$(72)+chr$(97)+chr$(110)+chr$(97)
- 115 b$=chr$(75)+chr$(110)+chr$(101)+chr$(101)+chr$(115)+chr$(32)+chr$(67)
- 116 b$=b$+chr$(97)+chr$(108)+chr$(104)+chr$(111)+chr$(111)+chr$(110)
- 150 poke 53280,12:poke 53281,12
- 200 print "[147]"
- 210 poke 211,10:poke 214,2:sys 58732
- 220 print "**********************"
- 221 print tab(10)"*[158] [215]here in the [213][211][193] *"
- 222 print tab(10)"*[158] is [195]armen [211]andiego *"
- 223 print tab(10)"*[159] [203]nees [195]alhoon *"
- 224 print tab(10)"*[159] [208]atch *"
- 225 print tab(10)"**********************"
- 230 poke 211,8:poke 214,9:sys 58732
- 240 print "[195]urrent drive number is"dv
- 250 poke 211,9:poke 214,11:sys 58732
- 260 print "[213]se this drive [158]([217]/[206]) ?
- 270 [161] i$:[139] i$[178]"" [137] 270
- 280 [139] i$[178]"y" [167] [137] 500
- 290 [139] i$[178]"n" [167] [137] 300
- 295 [137] 270
- 300 [151] 211,5:[151] 214,11:[158] 58732
- 310 [153] "(NULL)se sys + wait or sys - wait to select number"
- 320 [153] " (NULL)ress sys (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) wait to enter"
- 330 [151] 211,11:[151] 214,16:[158] 58732
- 340 [153] "(NULL)se drive number sys"dv
- 350 [161] i$:[139] i$[178]"" [137] 350
- 360 [139] i$[178]"+" [167] [137] 400
- 370 [139] i$[178]"-" [167] [137] 450
- 380 [139] i$[178][199](13) [167] [137] 500
- 390 [137] 350
- 400 [139] dv[178]16 [167] [137] 350
- 410 dv[178]dv[170]1
- 420 [151] 211,28:[151] 214,16:[158] 58732
- 430 [153] " cmdcmdcmd"dv
- 440 [137] 350
- 450 [139] dv[178]8 [167] [137] 350
- 460 dv[178]dv[171]1
- 470 [137] 420
- 500 [151] 211,31:[151] 214,9:[158] 58732
- 510 [153] ""dv
- 520 [129] x[178]1 [164] 7:[153] " ":[130]
- 550 [129] x[178]1 [164] 1000:[130]
- 560 [151] 211,10:[151] 214,12:[158] 58732
- 570 [153] "(NULL)ut copy of side a of"
- 580 [153] [163]11)" (NULL)here in the (NULL)(NULL)atn "
- 590 [153] [163]11)"is lenarmen (NULL)andiego"
- 600 [153] [163]11)"in drive number"dv
- 610 [129] x[178]1 [164] 1000:[130]
- 620 [153] [163]8)"(NULL)ress sys (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) wait to install"
- 630 [153] [163]9)"(NULL)ress sys (NULL)(NULL)atnlenval wait to abort"
- 640 [151] 198,0
- 650 [161] i$:[139] i$[178]"" [137] 650
- 660 [139] i$[178][199](32) [137] 100
- 670 [139] i$[178][199](13) [137] 700
- 700 [151] 211,0:[151] 214,9:[158] 58732
- 710 [129] x[178]1 [164] 15:[153] " ":[130]
- 720 [151] 211,17:[151] 214,9:[158] 58732
- 730 [153] "sys(NULL)orking"
- 999 [143] **block-read**
- 1000 it$[178]"":[159] 15,dv,15
- 1010 [152]15,"i0"
- 1020 [132]15,en$,em$,et$,es$
- 1030 [137] 1050
- 1040 [160] 15:[153] [163]7)"str$isk error #"en$"-"em$":goto 1500
- 1050 open 2,dv,2,"#"
- 1060 print#15,"u1";2;0;17;7
- 1070 input#15,en$,em$,et$,es$
- 1080 if en$="00" goto 1100
- 1090 close 2:close 15:print tab(7)"[196]isk error #"en$"-"em$:goto 1500
- 1100 print#15,"b-p";2;109
- 1110 for i=0 to 12:get#2,i$
- 1120 if i$="" then i$=chr$(0)
- 1130 it$=it$+i$:next
- 1150 input#15,en$,em$,et$,es$
- 1160 if en$="00" goto 1200
- 1170 close 2:close 15:print (7)"[196]isk error #"en$"-"em$:goto 1500
- 1200 if it$=a$ then print tab(12)"installing patch":goto 1250
- 1210 close 2:close 15
- 1220 print tab(7)"[208][193][212][195][200][160][198][193][201][204][197][196] - [196]ata mismatch":goto 1500
- 1249 write-block
- 1250 print#15,"b-p";2;109
- 1260 print#2,b$;
- 1270 print#15,"u2";2;0;17;7
- 1280 input#15,en$,em$,et$,es$
- 1290 if en$="00" goto 1350
- 1300 close 2:close 15:print tab(7)"[196]isk error #"en"-"em$:goto 1500
- 1350 close 2:close 15
- 1360 print tab(10)"[145][145][145][145] * [158][208][193][212][195][200][160][201][206][211][212][193][204][204][197][196] *"
- 1370 print tab(9)" [210]emove disk from drive"
- 1380 print tab(11)" and reset computer"
- 1390 goto 1390
- 1499 try again
- 1500 for x=1 to 1000:next
- 1505 poke 198,0
- 1510 print tab(8)"press [158] [211][208][193][195][197] [146] to try again"
- 1520 get i$:if i$=chr$(32) goto 100
- 1530 goto 1520